Quick and Easy Thalipeeth Recipe to Kickstart Your Morning

August 1, 2024

With our lives getting busier day by day, skipping breakfast has become a common issue for office-goers. Even if they do get time, their breakfast plate only includes a quick cereal or milk. However, it should include a filling dish as a heavy breakfast could support better appetite, weight, and health. As said, preparing a heavy breakfast could take time, which isn’t possible for busy people. So, let us introduce you to a solid breakfast option that you can make quickly and even store for later use. It’s the popular Maharashtrian snack – Thaipeeth Bhajani. 

Thalipeeth is an authentic Maharashtrian flatbread that is full of flavors, spices, and nutrients. Made with different types of flours, it is easy to digest and gives your body enough energy for the day. 

So, if you’re tired of eating the same cereals every day and want something new, this authentic Maharashtrian Thalipeeth Bhajani recipe is worth trying. This is a complete recipe blog featuring all required ingredients and a step-by-step guide to making Thalipeeth. 

About Thalipeeth Recipe

Thalipeeth is a traditional Maharashtrian dish, rich in taste and nutrition. It’s a type of savory multi-grain pancake popular in Western India. The recipe involves a special flour mix called ‘Bhajani’. Bhajani is a blend of various grains like wheat, rice, bajra, and jowar, roasted and ground together. 

To prepare Thalipeeth, the Bhajani flour is kneaded with water, onions, coriander, and spices to form a dough. The dough is then flattened into a round shape and cooked on a hot griddle with ghee or oil until it turns crispy and brown.

Thalipeeth is usually served with a dollop of white butter, yogurt, or a spicy coriander chutney, enhancing its flavors. It’s a versatile dish, perfect for breakfast or a quick snack. 

  • Preparation Time: 15 Minutes 
  • Cooking Time: 10 Minutes
  • Total Time: 25 Minutes
  • Servings: 2

Nutrition Facts for Thalipeeth


                               Nutrition Facts (Per 1 Pc Serving)
Nutrients Daily Value (%)
Calories 264
Total fat 7 gm
Sodium 59 mg
Potassium 21 mg
Total carbohydrates 3.5 gm (3%)
Dietary fibre 5.1 gm (13%)
Sugar 3 gm
Protein 1.26 gm
Calcium 134 mg
Iron 1.37 mg
Magnesium  2 mg
Phosphorus 4 mg
Zinc 2 mg
Vitamin K 1µg
Vitamin B (Folate) 1µg

Thalipeeth Ingredients

  • 1 cup Jowar Flour/Sorghum Flour
  • ¼ cup Wheat Flour
  • ¼ cup Bajra/Pearl Millet Flour
  • ¼ cup Besan /Gram Flour
  • ¼ cup Rice Flour
  • 2 Green Chilli, finely chopped
  • ¼ tsp Turmeric/Haldi
  • ½ tsp Coriander Powder
  • 1 tsp Ginger-Garlic Paste
  • ¼ tsp Ajwain/Carom Seeds
  • 2 tsp Sesame Seeds
  • ½ tsp Cumin Powder/Jeera Powder
  • ½ tsp Salt
  • 1 Cup Water to knead
  • 2 tbsp Coriander, finely chopped
  • 1 Onion, finely chopped
  • Oil for roasting

How to Make Thalipeeth? 


  • Start by gathering your ingredients and a large bowl. You will need 1 cup of jowar flour, ¼ cup each of besan, wheat flour, bajra, and rice flour. 
  • Next, add 1 tsp of ginger-garlic paste, 2 green chillies, ¼ tsp of turmeric, ½ tsp each of coriander and cumin powder, ¼ tsp of ajwain, 2 tsp of sesame seeds, 2 tbsp of fresh coriander, 1 chopped onion, and ½ tsp of salt. Stir these ingredients together until they’re well mixed.
  • Then, gradually add between ½ to 1 cup of water, as needed, and knead the mixture into a dough.
  • Take a small portion of the dough and begin to flatten it out on a piece of butter paper.
  • Carefully invert the butter paper onto a preheated griddle, making sure to remove the paper slowly so as not to tear the Thalipeeth.
  • Put a bit of oil over the thalipeeth and cover it. Allow it to cook on medium heat, making sure to flip it so both sides get cooked evenly.
  • Finally, serve your homemade Thalipeeth with a side of butter, pickle, and curd. Enjoy your meal!

Thalipeeth Recipe in English (थालीपीठ कैसे बनाये?

  • सभी प्रकार के आटे जैसे 1 कप ज्वार का आटा, ¼ कप बेसन, गेहूं का आटा, बाजरा और चावल के आटे को एक कटोरे में डाले।
  • इसके बाद, 1 चम्मच अदरक-लहसुन का पेस्ट, 2 हरी मिर्च, ¼ चम्मच हल्दी, ½ चम्मच धनिया और जीरा पाउडर, ¼ चम्मच अजवाइन, 2 चम्मच तिल, 2 चम्मच ताजा धनिया, 1 कटा हुआ प्याज डालें। और ½ छोटा चम्मच नमक। इन सामग्रियों को एक साथ तब तक हिलाएं जब तक वे अच्छी तरह मिश्रित न हो जाएं।
  • फिर, आवश्यकतानुसार धीरे-धीरे ½ से 1 कप पानी डालें और मिश्रण को आटा गूंथ लें।
  • आटे का एक छोटा सा हिस्सा लें और इसे तेल लगे बटर पेपर के टुकड़े पर चपटा करना शुरू करें।
  • बटर पेपर को सावधानी से पहले से गरम तवे पर पलटें, ध्यान रखें कि पेपर को धीरे-धीरे हटाएं ताकि थालीपीठ फटे नहीं।
  • थालीपीठ के ऊपर थोड़ा सा तेल डाल कर ढक दीजिये. इसे मध्यम आंच पर पकने दें, ध्यान रखें कि इसे पलटें ताकि दोनों तरफ से समान रूप से पक जाए।
  • अंत में, अपने घर में बने थालीपीठ को मक्खन, अचार और दही के साथ परोसें और इसका आनंद लें!

Thalipeeth Recipe in Marathi (थालीपीठ कैसे बाणाये?)

  • एका भांड्यात 1 कप ज्वारीचे पीठ, ¼ कप बेसन, गव्हाचे पीठ, बाजरी आणि तांदळाचे पीठ असे सर्व प्रकारचे पीठ एकत्र करा.
  • पुढे, 1 टीस्पून आले-लसूण पेस्ट, 2 हिरव्या मिरच्या, ¼ टीस्पून हळद, ½ टीस्पून धणे आणि जिरे पावडर, ¼ टीस्पून सेलरी, 2 टीस्पून तीळ, 2 टीस्पून ताजी धणे, 1 चिरलेला कांदा घाला. आणि ½ टीस्पून मीठ. हे साहित्य नीट मिसळेपर्यंत ढवळा.
  • नंतर हळूहळू आवश्यकतेनुसार दीड ते १ कप पाणी घालून मिश्रण मळून घ्या.
  • पीठाचा एक छोटासा भाग घ्या आणि तेल लावलेल्या बटर पेपरच्या तुकड्यावर सपाट करणे सुरू करा.
  • थालीपीठ फाटणार नाही म्हणून सावकाशपणे कागद काढून टाकण्याची काळजी घेऊन प्रीहेटेड पॅनवर बटर पेपर काळजीपूर्वक फिरवा.
  • थालीपीठावर थोडे तेल टाकून झाकून ठेवा. मध्यम आचेवर शिजू द्या, लक्षात ठेवा की ते वळवा जेणेकरून दोन्ही बाजू समान शिजतील.
  • शेवटी, लोणी, लोणचे आणि दह्यासोबत तुमच्या घरी बनवलेले थालीपीठ सर्व्ह करा आणि आनंद घ्या!

Serving Suggestions for Thalipeeth

Thalipeeth is best enjoyed hot, right off the griddle. So, serve immediately to savor its crispy texture and wholesome taste with a dollop of homemade white butter or ghee. 

Also, Thalipeeth pairs well with curd, pickle, or a spicy chutney. A side of raw onion or cucumber slices adds a refreshing crunch. You can even eat it with a hot cup of masala chai for a satisfying experience.

Tips and Variations for Thalipeeth 

  • Opt for fresh and organic ingredients. The flavor of Thalipeeth largely depends on the quality of the bhajani flour.
  • The dough should be kneaded just before cooking. It may become too soft and difficult to handle if it sits for too long.
  • Cook Thalipeeth on a medium flame to ensure it cooks evenly without burning.
  • You can experiment with different spices like ajwain or sesame seeds for a unique flavor.
  • Adding grated vegetables like carrots or spinach can enhance the nutritional value.
  • For non-vegetarians, finely chopped and cooked chicken or fish can be added to the dough.


What is Thalipeeth Atta Made of?

Thalipeeth Atta, also known as Bhajani, is a mix of various grains and pulses. It typically includes millet, rice, wheat, sorghum, split black gram, and chickpeas, all roasted and ground together.

Is Thalipeeth Good for Health?

Yes, Thalipeeth is healthy. It’s rich in fiber, protein, and complex carbohydrates due to the variety of grains and pulses used. It’s also low in fat and high in essential nutrients.

Is Thalipeeth Soft or Hard?

Thalipeeth has a unique texture. It’s crispy on the outside and soft on the inside when cooked properly.

What is the Shelf Life of Thalipeeth?

Freshly made Thalipeeth is best consumed immediately. However, it can be stored in an airtight container for up to 2 days.

What is Bhajani Made of?

Bhajani is a flour mixture made from various roasted grains and pulses. It typically includes millet, rice, wheat, sorghum, split black gram, and chickpeas.

How many Calories are in Thalipeeth?

A single serving of Thalipeeth can contain around 100-150 calories, depending on the ingredients and size. However, it’s a wholesome meal and provides balanced nutrition.


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