How to Make Crispy Sabudana Vada At Home? Detailed Recipe Inside

June 26, 2024

In our series exploring the healthiest Indian breakfast options, let us introduce you to one of the delicious recipes—Sabudana Vada. Originally from Maharashtra, Sabudana Vada has found its way into the street food culture of Mumbai and many North Indian states. Its popularity has led to fascinating variations in different regions, each adding its unique twist to this classic recipe.

As many states have their own twist on making this dish, this homemade Sabudana Vada recipe is not just about taste but a powerhouse of health benefits. Packed with carbohydrates and simple sugars, it provides an instant energy boost. It’s gluten-free, making it a great choice for those with dietary restrictions. 

So, are you ready to start your day with Sabudana Vada? Here, we present you simple and step-by-step instructions for homemade Sabudana Vada. So, let’s start!

What Is Sabudana Vada?

Sabudana Vada, also known as ‘sago vada,’ is a traditional snack originating from Maharashtra, India. This deep-fried delicacy is made from tapioca pearls, also known as Sabudana. They are soaked in water, which softens them and allows them to be easily mashed.

The other key ingredients in Sabudana Vada include boiled potatoes, roasted peanuts, and a variety of spices and herbs. The potatoes act as a binding agent, ensuring the patties hold together during the frying process. The peanuts add a delightful crunch, enhancing the texture of the vada.

Sabudana Vada is not only a popular street food and tea-time snack but also a common fasting food among the Indian Hindu community. During fasting periods, it’s consumed widely due to its high carbohydrate content, which provides a boost of energy.

  • Preparation Time: 30 Minutes 
  • Cooking Time: 30 Minutes
  • Total Time: 1 Hour
  • Servings: 5

Nutrition Facts for Sabudana Vada

                               Nutrition Facts (Per 100 grams Serving)
Nutrients Daily Value (%)
Calories 236
Total fat 9 gm
Sodium 36 mg
Potassium 31 mg
Total carbohydrates 4 gm (3%)
Dietary fibre 6 gm (13%)
Sugar 5 gm
Protein 4 gm
Calcium 190 mg
Iron 1 mg
Magnesium  2 mg
Phosphorus 4 mg
Zinc 2 mg
Vitamin K 1µg
Vitamin B (Folate) 1µg

Sabudana Vada Ingredients

  • 1/2 cup Sabudana
  • 1 cup Potatoes, boiled
  • 1/4 cup roasted and coarsely crushed peanuts
  • 1 tsp Sesame Seeds
  • 1 Green Chilli, finely chopped
  • 1/2 tsp grated Ginger
  • 1½ tbsp Coriander Leaves, finely chopped
  • 1/2 tsp Cumin Seeds
  • 1/4 tsp Garam Masala Powder
  • 1 tsp Lemon Juice
  • 1 tsp Sugar (optional)
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil for frying
  • 1/3 cup water to soak sabudana

How to Make Sabudana Vada? (Sabudana Vada Recipe with Step-by-step Instructions)

Here’s a detailed recipe for making crispy Sabudana Vada at home:

  • Start by rinsing the Sabudana thoroughly and then soaking them in 1/3 cup of water for about 2.5 hours. You’ll observe that the Sabudana pearls will expand in size during this time. 
  • After soaking, transfer them to a sieve, drain the excess water, and set them aside for around 1.5 hours.
  • Next, take your boiled potatoes, peel them, and grate them into a large mixing bowl. 
  • To this, add the drained sabudana, peanuts that have been coarsely crushed, sesame seeds, chopped green chili, grated ginger, freshly chopped coriander leaves, cumin seeds, a dash of garam masala powder, a squeeze of lemon juice, a pinch of sugar, and salt to taste.
  • Combine all these ingredients thoroughly until they form a soft, dough-like consistency. 
  • Divide this mixture into 12 equal portions, roughly the size of a lemon. 
  • Shape each portion into a ball and then gently press between your palms to flatten it into a pattie. If you find the mixture sticking to your hands, lightly grease your palms with oil.
  • Now, heat oil in a frying pan over medium heat for deep frying. Once the oil is adequately hot, carefully slide in 3-4 patties. 
  • Fry them until the top surface turns a light brown color, then flip them over and continue frying until they are golden brown on both sides. Once done, drain the fried sago vada and transfer them to a serving plate.
  • Repeat the frying process for the remaining vadas. Your crispy Sabudana Vadas are now ready to be enjoyed.

Sabudana Vada Recipe in Hindi (साबूदाना वड़ा कैसे बनाये?)

यहां घर पर कुरकुरा साबूदाना वड़ा बनाने की विस्तृत विधि दी गई है:

  • सबसे पहले साबूदाना को अच्छी तरह से धो लें और फिर उन्हें 1/3 कप पानी में लगभग 2.5 घंटे के लिए भिगो दें। आप देखेंगे कि इस दौरान साबूदाना का आकार बढ़ जाएगा।
  • भीगने के बाद, उन्हें एक छलनी में डालें, अतिरिक्त पानी निकाल दें और लगभग 1.5 घंटे के लिए अलग रख दें।
  • इसके बाद, अपने उबले हुए आलू लें, उन्हें छीलें और एक बड़े कटोरे में कद्दूकस कर लें।
  • इसमें सूखा हुआ साबूदाना, दरदरी कुटी हुई मूंगफली, तिल, कटी हुई हरी मिर्च, कसा हुआ अदरक, ताजी कटी धनिया पत्ती, जीरा, थोड़ा सा गरम मसाला पाउडर, थोड़ा सा नींबू का रस, एक चुटकी चीनी मिलाएं। 
  • इन सभी सामग्रियों को तब तक अच्छी तरह मिलाएं जब तक वे नरम, आटे जैसी स्थिरता न बना लें।
  • इस मिश्रण को लगभग एक नीबू के आकार के 12 बराबर भागों में बाँट लें।
  • प्रत्येक भाग को एक गेंद का आकार दें और फिर इसे अपनी हथेलियों के बीच धीरे से दबाकर चपटा करके एक पैटी बना लें। अगर आपको लगता है कि मिश्रण आपके हाथों पर चिपक रहा है, तो अपनी हथेलियों पर हल्का सा तेल लगा लें।
  • अब डीप फ्राई करने के लिए एक कड़ाही में मध्यम आंच पर तेल गर्म करें. एक बार जब तेल पर्याप्त रूप से गर्म हो जाए, तो ध्यान से 3-4 पैटीज़ डालें।
  • इन्हें तब तक तलें जब तक कि ऊपरी सतह हल्की भूरी न हो जाए, फिर इन्हें पलट दें और दोनों तरफ से सुनहरा होने तक तलते रहें. 
  • बचे हुए वड़ों को तलने की प्रक्रिया को दोहराएँ। 

Sabudana Vada Recipe in Marathi (साबुदाणा वडा कसा बनवायचा?)

कुरकुरीत साबुदाणा वडा घरी बनवण्याची सविस्तर रेसिपी येथे आहे:

  • साबुदाणा नीट धुवून सुरुवात करा आणि नंतर 1/3 कप पाण्यात सुमारे 2.5 तास भिजवून ठेवा. या काळात साबुदाणा मोती आकाराने वाढतील हे तुम्ही पाहाल.
  • भिजवल्यानंतर, त्यांना चाळणीत स्थानांतरित करा, जास्तीचे पाणी काढून टाका आणि सुमारे 1.5 तास बाजूला ठेवा.
  • पुढे, तुमचे उकडलेले बटाटे घ्या, ते सोलून घ्या आणि एका मोठ्या मिक्सिंग बाऊलमध्ये किसून घ्या.
  • त्यात निथळलेला साबुदाणा, बारीक ठेचलेले शेंगदाणे, तीळ, चिरलेली हिरवी मिरची, किसलेले आले, ताजी चिरलेली कोथिंबीर, जिरे, गरम मसाला पावडर, लिंबाचा रस पिळून, चिमूटभर साखर घालावी. , आणि चवीनुसार मीठ.
  • हे सर्व घटक मऊ, कणकेसारखी सुसंगतता तयार होईपर्यंत पूर्णपणे एकत्र करा.
  • हे मिश्रण 12 समान भागांमध्ये विभागून घ्या, अंदाजे लिंबाच्या आकाराचे.
  • प्रत्येक भागाला बॉलचा आकार द्या आणि नंतर पॅटीमध्ये सपाट करण्यासाठी आपल्या तळहातांमध्ये हळूवारपणे दाबा. जर तुम्हाला हे मिश्रण तुमच्या हाताला चिकटलेले दिसले तर तुमचे तळवे तेलाने हलके ग्रीस करा.
  • आता कढईत तळण्यासाठी मध्यम आचेवर तेल गरम करा. तेल पुरेसे गरम झाल्यावर 3-4 पॅटीजमध्ये काळजीपूर्वक सरकवा.
  • वरचा पृष्ठभाग हलका तपकिरी रंग येईपर्यंत तळून घ्या, नंतर त्यांना उलटा करा आणि दोन्ही बाजूंनी सोनेरी तपकिरी होईपर्यंत तळणे सुरू ठेवा. तळलेले साबुदाणे वडे निथळून सर्व्हिंग प्लेटमध्ये ठेवा.
  • उरलेल्या वड्यांसाठी तळण्याची प्रक्रिया पुन्हा करा. तुमचे कुरकुरीत साबुदाणा वडे आता आस्वाद घेण्यासाठी तयार आहेत.

Serving Suggestions for Sabudana Vada

As Sabudana Vada is consumed during vrats (Fasting days), commonly during Navratri, they can be consumed as they are. However, if you are having it as a light snack, you can savor it with green mint chutney or red sweet chutney. 

Tips and Variations for Sabudana Vada Recipe

  • If you have unroasted peanuts, lightly roast them in kadai. 
  • When frying vada, it’s crucial to ensure the oil is hot enough. If it’s not, the vada might crack during frying. To test the oil’s temperature, drop a small piece of dough into it. If it immediately rises to the surface, the oil is ready for deep-frying.
  • Once you’ve put the vada into the oil, avoid stirring them for about a minute. Stirring too soon might cause them to break apart.
  • For a variation in texture and flavor, consider adding a tablespoon of fresh or dry grated coconut and two tablespoons of Rajgira flour. This will give your vada a crispy texture and a unique taste. 


How to Make Sabudana Vada Chutney?

Sabudana Vada is often served with peanut chutney. This chutney is made by blending roasted peanuts, green chilies, cumin seeds, and salt with a little water.

Is It Possible to Make Sabudana Vada in Air Fryer? 

Yes, you can make Sabudana Vada in an air fryer. Preparation will remain the same; however, the process differs at the time of cooking. Preheat the air fryer, place the Vadas in a single layer, brush some oil on top, and air fry until they turn golden brown and crispy.

What About Sabudana Vada Calories?

One Sabudana Vada provides about 126 calories, with 51 calories from carbohydrates, 7 calories from proteins, and the remaining calories from fat.

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